Queen ZMC - Hip Hop/ Lifestyle- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Mooz-Lum - Film Review- by the #TRAINwriter...........
The Bronx Champ Tsi Labrev - Hip Hop- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Metta Monologues - Spoken Word Poetry- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Teachers are Nation Builders - Education- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Cool Kid by Dulcinea Detwah - Hip Hop- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Momma's Hip Hop Kitchen - Hip Hop- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Revolution is Love: Generation NEXT - Politics- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Finding Community in the Bronx - Hip Hop Theater- by the #TRAINwriter...........
My Mentor, Danny Glover - Education- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Jerry "The Shoe Maker" Macalino - Fashion/Hip Hop- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Nonito Donaire: The Filipino Flash - Sports/Entertainment- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Solidarity Soul: A Filipino American visits Cuba - Education/Travel- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Laundry Tales - Lifestyle- by the #TRAINwriter
Universal Coffee - Lifestyle- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Stop Human Trafficking - Politics- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Peace Press Conference with Russell Simmons - Politics- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Harassment or Routine Check up? - Politics- by the #TRAINwriter...........
One Truth by the Body Poet - Theater Review- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Spirit Child and Mental Notes - Hip Hop- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Flipzoids - Theater Review- by the #TRAINwriter...........
Hip Hop Humanity - Lifestyle/Education- by the #TRAINwriter...........

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