Last Thursday night, Jan 19th, 2011, I checked out Spirit Child and Mental Notes, a New York City based Hip Hop band at Nublu, a local bar in the Lower Eastside of Manhattan.
I’ve seen Spirt Child rock mics at several different performances throughout NYC and I’m always blown away by his ability to remain true to his thought provoking lyrical content. To have a 3-piece band backing him up allows audience members to embark on a journey through culture, politics and the transformative process of Hip Hop at its best!
“The revolution will be televised right through your system….. The revolution will be all in you!”
I always learn something different from Spirit Child’s conscious messages. He rhymes with such grace and skill, either conveying a controversial subject such as police brutality in America or blasting classic Hip Hop sounds that make you want to get your groove on the dance floor!
The venue, Nublu, had a tree standing strong and proud in the back of the main performance stage. As a result, I was reminded that Spirit Child is a Hip Hop griot and together with Mental Notes, they are preserving culture “by any means necessary!”
Check Spirit Child and Mental Notes out at:
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